How to Manage Your Time and Feel Less Frustrated

If you’re someone who's struggling with the feelings of not having enough time, and it's causing a lot of frustration, know that you’re not alone.

You probably find there’s just not enough days in the week, or hours in a day to complete all the tasks you want to get done. So, how do you manage it all and start to feel that true sense of accomplishment? In this blog I want to give you some tips to help you manage your time in what may feel like a more fulfilling way.  

Where to Begin?

Set up a timer for three minutes and write down all the things you feel you don't have enough time for. When the timer is up, drop the pen. 

Then I want you to draw two columns on a page and head one column with, “things in my control,” and “things out of my control.” Go through your list and add each objective or goal to its appropriate column. 

So let’s say for instance you had on your list “self-care.” That’s something that’s in your control, so you’ll add that to the column “things in my control.” Something like the outcome of a task, that’s out of your control, but what you put into it is in your control. This is an important note to remember when creating your goals and tasks. 

Next Steps

Then, get ready and breathe for this one, I want you to delegate. No one’s going to do it like you do it, but that’s okay. The reason why you probably don't feel like you don't have enough time is because you're trying to do it all by yourself. The focus here is giving yourself more time and reducing your frustration. 

Lastly, I want you to prioritize, and select the most important tasks which are left on the list. Start from what is most important, and assign how much time you’ll need to accomplish each task. Be realistic about how much time each task is going to take you. If you say it’s going to take an hour, I want you to go ahead and double that to two hours. 

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Instagram: @authenticallybeyou (I am active here the most 🙂)

LinkedIn: Bianca Hughes

Pinterest: @authenticallybeyou

The Power of Honesty in Building Strong Relationships

Honesty is a real breath of fresh air and it deepens our connection with ourselves and others.

Honesty is what makes people open up and be their true selves without any walls or barriers. It allows us to be true to who we are. It also allows us to show others who we really are and where we’re going in life. Honesty opens up a lot of avenues in our lives, especially when it comes to building strong, meaningful and long lasting relationships. Let’s indulge for a minute and take a closer look at the ways honesty can impact our lives and our relationships for the better. 

Where Does One Begin?

So you want to harness more honesty into your life but you’re wondering where to begin? Well, honesty’s starting point is inward. Honesty starts with who you are to yourself. What that means is, being honest with your wants, needs, emotions, thoughts, values etc. You may need to get yourself a paper and pen and start journaling all these important things down to really get a true understanding of what your wants and needs actually are. This is your first step in becoming more honest with yourself and subsequently, with others. 

Honesty also means integrity (always doing the honest thing, even when no one is looking.) When you’re all around honest, you believe others are honest too. Think about children, they don’t question if adults are telling the truth because they’re always telling the truth. That’s why people like being around children, because they’re pure and their honesty brings a real balance and harmony to relationships. 

Try to be more honest with yourself, even in your own private sphere. This can be anywhere from wearing the clothes that make you feel most comfortable, all the way to spending the day binging on your favorite TV series without worrying about anyone’s thoughts or judgements. 

How Can I Learn to Trust Others?

When we are more honest with ourselves and with others we’ll notice a real trust beginning to grow. This isn’t always easy, and can be a real challenge for some relationships. I know that you’ve been hurt, betrayed, or lied to, but that doesn't mean all relationships will be like that. And it certainly doesn’t mean you need to be like that. You do have agency. You get to choose if you want to stay in a relationship. You’re allowed to leave a relationship that doesn’t feel honest. Filtering out dishonest relationships can help pave the way and make room for new and truly honest and safe relationships. 

Honesty Is Contagious

If you’re feeling afraid or overwhelmed by any of this, know this: Honesty breeds honesty. Honesty deepens our connection with ourselves and others. That’s what makes honesty powerful and valuable in relationships. We’re wired to connect with others and honesty is that solid bridge we need to really reach and connect with those around us. The rewards honesty brings into our lives can be truly invaluable and well worthwhile. 

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Connect With Bianca Hughes

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Sign up to the newsletter (I provide tips and insights on overcoming perfectionism so you can embrace your imperfections and authentically be you together with my day to experiences of discovering the beauty within the mess).

Instagram: @authenticallybeyou (I am active here the most 🙂)

LinkedIn: Bianca Hughes

Pinterest: @authenticallybeyou

Inner Critic in the Workplace: How to Manage Your Negative Thoughts in the Job

Your inner critic can show up just about anywhere and everywhere.

Your inner critic is that voice inside of you telling you that you’re not good enough, incompetent, lazy, weak and so on. If you’ve been dealing with that type of inner voice, then it most certainly shows up in the workplace. So, how do you manage your negative thoughts while at work? Good question. Here are some tips. 


Pay close attention to what your inner critic says. Isolate those thoughts and take a closer look at how it impacts your actions. For example, your inner critic can cause you to underperform at work with a behavior like procrastination. Your inner critic can tell you how you’re never going to get the job done perfectly or right so you push off the job until the very last minute. 

Your inner critic can also cause you to overwork and overachieve by constantly reminding you of your weaknesses and all the areas you may have neglected. This can cause you to go way overboard with the details as you try and make sure everything is perfect. 

Start writing down the thoughts you hear, the ways it makes you feel and the actions that follow. Pay close attention to these patterns. 

Choose What You Want to Believe

The way you see yourself is entirely up to you. If you find yourself always thinking in the negative about who you are and what you’re capable of, how about flipping those thoughts? 

So, instead of telling yourself and believing you aren’t good enough, or smart enough, how about telling yourself you are capable and smart? How about telling yourself that you can accomplish and achieve and get the job done right? This slight reversal can make all the difference. 

Focus on Your Talents and Achievements

Lastly, start noticing all the things you do well at work. Notice the actual work you’re doing on projects instead of focusing on the tasks not being complete. For instance, notice that you’re halfway through and almost to the finish line, and see if you can take pride in how far you’ve gone. 

You can also start saying thank you for the compliments you receive at work instead of wondering why people compliment you. You don’t have to alway brush off the compliments by saying, “oh it was nothing." You can actually start believing that people value what you do, and you can find value in what you do too. 


Pick one of the tools mentioned above and try it out for a week. See what works best for you and notice the volume of that inner critic slowly decreasing. No one is saying it’s going to vanish overnight, but with time and practice you may notice that voice disappear or fade much further into the background.

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Connect With Bianca Hughes

Follow the “It Didn’t Break Me Podcast” on your favourite podcast player

Sign up to the newsletter (I provide tips and insights on overcoming perfectionism so you can embrace your imperfections and authentically be you together with my day to experiences of discovering the beauty within the mess).

Instagram: @authenticallybeyou (I am active here the most 🙂)

LinkedIn: Bianca Hughes

Pinterest: @authenticallybeyou

Self-Acceptance in the Age of Social Media: Navigating Comparison and Judgement

Comparison and judgment isn’t really something new in our lives. We’ve all experienced the two whether it’s been through comparing ourselves to our siblings, peers, and family members. And we’ve experienced judgment in one way or another. Whether we felt that judgment in school, in our performance at school, and perhaps in other areas of our lives. So the experience of the two isn’t entirely new, but it has changed, and for many of us, may feel stronger than ever. These feelings of comparison and judgment directly impact our sense of self and self-acceptance. So, what’s a human to do in today’s day and age overcrowded by social media posts? Let’s talk about it. 

Social Media in Relation to Comparison and Judgement

Social media has now enhanced and intensified the experience of comparison and judgment due to the words and images we take in. Our phones are in the palm of our hands, and for many of us, they’re addictive. We find ourselves looking and searching for images and words we might not look for if all these things weren’t as accessible as they are. These images and words that we’re absorbing daily, even hourly, directly impact our sense of self worth. So how do we work on self-acceptance in such challenging times?

The Work of Self Acceptance 

The work of self-acceptance is the same. What does this mean? It means seeing what is great about yourself and why that is valuable to you instead of what other people think. Seeing your difference as unique and not less than or better than others. 

The issue is knowing your limits when it comes to social media. If self-acceptance is something that you’re struggling with, start paying attention to when you start questioning yourself, your achievements or looks. Notice when you’re feeling inadequate after being on social media, and ask yourself why you are on social media, and what function it has in your life. 

When you start comparing your life to others, remember people are only sharing their highlights. Steer yourself away from comparisons and judgements and try to focus on all the good you have in your life and all the good you have to offer. Try not to get too caught up in the messages people are trying to sell about their lives through social media for your own healthier, stronger sense of self worth. 

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Connect With Bianca Hughes

Follow the “It Didn’t Break Me Podcast” on your favourite podcast player

Sign up to the newsletter (I provide tips and insights on overcoming perfectionism so you can embrace your imperfections and authentically be you together with my day to experiences of discovering the beauty within the mess).

Instagram: @authenticallybeyou (I am active here the most 🙂)

LinkedIn: Bianca Hughes

Pinterest: @authenticallybeyou

The Art of Letting Go: How to Overcome Perfectionism and Embrace Imperfections

A part of what makes us human are our flaws, and our mistakes are a part of our life’s journey. 

If perfectionism is something you’ve been dealing with, then you’re probably overworking yourself to reach unrealistic goals, or maybe you procrastinate because the need to get the job done perfectly overwhelms and paralyzes you. Perfectionism can make its way into many areas of our lives, so in this article I want to focus on practical steps you can take to overcome your perfectionism and all the ways you can benefit from letting go. 

Benefits of Letting Go

This act is about letting go of that desire to be perfect, to do things perfectly and to be seen as ‘perfect,’ ‘successful,’ or ‘capable.’ While you may be afraid to let go of that need to do things perfectly, I want you to consider how much freedom there is in letting go. Letting go gives you the freedom to do new things, to be open to new things, which also includes a new version of yourself that can be born and grow. Letting go gives you the opportunity to be a new version of yourself you haven’t met yet.

Letting go can also offer you peace of mind. By letting go, you’re releasing all that tension, frustration and anxiety to perform and achieve perfection. It allows you to be true to who you are and can offer you an incredible amount of acceptance of what you're capable of right now and what you have achieved so far. 

What Does it Mean: The Art of Letting Go?

Letting go is about a consistent choice to let go. It’s not a one time thing that you can just check off your list and move on. Letting go of your perfectionism is an ongoing journey and it gives you the opportunity to do something new, to do something different and maybe to do something uncomfortable. 

Maybe you’re used to trying to control the outcome of all situations and you’re going to start practicing the art of letting go of that control. There is so much that you can discover about yourself, about others and about the situation itself when you let go and allow things to unfold in a natural flow. 

How Do I Practice The Art of Letting Go in Terms of Perfectionism?

In the case of perfectionism, you are letting go of the need to constantly improve your shortcomings. When you slowly begin to accept your shortcomings, and let go of the shame that may surround your ‘flaws,’ then you learn to actually embrace your strengths.

For example, perhaps you’re focused on your inability to complete tasks rather than your drive and passion for trying new things. Or maybe you are focused on your mistakes and forget you're committed to growth and all the ways you’ve developed from your mistakes.

 By turning your focus away from your weaknesses and towards your strength you can finally allow yourself to see how you are enough, just as you are. So to get you started, write down one flaw or mistake you are going to let go of and one strength you are going to focus on, and see where that takes you. 

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"Embracing the And" with Faith Broussard Cade

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Connect With Bianca Hughes

Follow the “It Didn’t Break Me Podcast” on your favourite podcast player

Sign up to the newsletter (I provide tips and insights on overcoming perfectionism so you can embrace your imperfections and authentically be you together with my day to experiences of discovering the beauty within the mess).

Instagram: @authenticallybeyou (I am active here the most 🙂)

LinkedIn: Bianca Hughes

Pinterest: @authenticallybeyou